Some months past I came across a picture of a gypsy wagon, or Vardo, which, unfortunately, got me thinking. I have this perfectly good 4x8 trailer which could haul a small vardo body to go camping, etc. I have no idea what the "etc." would be but these obsessions rarely follow any real logic. I went to the step of sketching out a few ideas, looking at some more photos on the interweb, thinking about how to solve certain issues about furniture, etc. Had looked at the idea of the old futon frame I had rescued then discarded and how that would solve several problems about putting a 6x4.5 foot bed in a 6x8' footprint. I like turning images in my head and dealing with the 3 dimensional issues as well as the stresses involved, though not having any serious physics should give me pause.
Anyway, I have plenty of other things to think about but April's leaving left me with a lot of free time to think about other things rather than what I should be doing to keep from getting yelled at and a futon frame and bunch of plywood fell into my hands via the Good Neighbor Shoppe. The futon was donated, or rather dumped, at the store but the arms were all chewed by either a dog (or a hydra, it was bad) and the mattress was shot. We threw away the mattress but I decided that the frame under the armrests could manage to fold a mattress inside a Vardo. Uh oh! Add all the plywood pallets that I had to dismantle and a plan began to form. But first this stuff had to be saved, just in case. So I brought the wood and frame home and started sketching ideas. This is the fun part and if I have any sense at all I will do what I did last time and throw it all away.